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A collection of core datasets released by Cambridgeshire County Council.

This publisher group also contains the minimum data that Cambridgeshire County Council as a local authority should be publishing, the frequency it should be published and how it should be published.

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Data Extent


UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

Other Access

The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


via the DKAN API

Monthly Automatic Traffic Count Data

"Monthly Automated Traffic" data is collected by Automatic Traffic Counters (ATC). It shows the average daily flow each month of vehicles and pedal cycles at specific points across the county.

Any missing data is due to the ATC not working or not yet having been installed during that time period.

Modified Date
Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POINT (-0.110964 52.365243)
POINT (0.115861 52.177746)
POINT (0.134533 52.203525)
POINT (0.134515 52.219029)
POINT (0.138247 52.187594)
POINT (0.109672 52.2148)
POINT (-0.179047 52.327465)
POINT (0.374295 52.304542)
POINT (0.075069 52.071922)
POINT (0.035007 52.249403)
POINT (-0.154455 52.300142)
POINT (-0.102951 52.230218)
POINT (0.198828 52.181768)
POINT (0.10757 52.196366)
POINT (0.237893 52.218822)
POINT (0.2306 52.388029)
POINT (-0.204 52.3238)
POINT (0.086803 52.539465)
POINT (-0.279014 52.22298)
POINT (0.194556 52.21148)
POINT (-0.144799 52.326563)
POINT (0.045107 52.186089)
POINT (0.135963 52.209839)
POINT (0.120327 52.21103)
POINT (0.146429 52.21438)
POINT (0.152776 52.218464)
POINT (0.199238 52.256448)
POINT (0.143277 52.213987)
POINT (0.138654 52.19577)
POINT (0.138411 52.154101)
POINT (0.25528 52.264005)
POINT (0.148029 52.216572)
POINT (0.165867 52.19441)
POINT (0.113496 52.205289)
POINT (0.100438 52.206511)
POINT (0.293155 52.291001)
POINT (0.157327 52.168262)
POINT (0.151533 52.116667)
POINT (0.125279 52.191489)
POINT (0.112038 52.241826)
POINT (0.135498 52.18884)
POINT (-0.284487 52.216603)
POINT (-0.081709 52.327785)
POINT (-0.055299 52.314512)
POINT (0.036928 52.27053)
POINT (0.058526 52.253572)
POINT (0.036935 52.287957)
POINT (0.051263 52.294634)
POINT (0.077416 52.252351)
POINT (0.080544 52.29476)
POINT (0.062286 52.321312)
POINT (-0.070265 52.318579)
POINT (0.041544 52.312599)
POINT (0.063884 52.261671)
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Data Dictionary

ATC=Automatic Traffic Counter

Contact Name
Economy, Transport and Environment- Information Team
Public Access Level