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Level of hazard, csv

This data sets out levles of hazard, in three main categories:
1. Homes with at least one Category 1 HHSRS hazard (poor housing)
2. Homes with at least one Category 2 HHSRS hazard (but no Cat 1 hazards)
3. Homes with at least one significantly worse than average HHSRS hazard (but no Cat 1 or Cat 2 hazards)
Total of the above, i.e. all homes with significant HHSRS hazards (any of the above)
We have then added the number of homes without significant hazards (by sutracting the first three rows form the total number of homes across England).
All housing in England
There will still be hazards in the 14 million homes in England that are considered average (or better) for their age and type, but the impact of these on costs to the NHS have not been quantified. For example, every home that has a staircase contains a potential fall risk.

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