Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Insight | Open Data Portal

Organisations are sharing data in order to change the way we all live and work across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as well as meet requirements for Open Government.

This site is managed by Cambridgeshire County Council but publishing partners also include Peterborough City Council.

Have a look at our partner site Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Insight to discover research intelligence including interactive maps and reports across a range of themes including crime, economy, deprivation and population.

icon of a magnifying glass searching over data


South Cambridgeshire District Council logo

Data released by 3C Shared services on behalf on Cambridge City, Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire District Councils

Cambridgeshire County Council logo

A collection of core datasets released by Cambridgeshire County Council.This publisher group also contains the minimum data that Cambridgeshire County Council as a local authority should be...

Peterborough City Council logo

A collection of datasets released by Peterborough City Council.For all enquiries relating to these datsets, please contact


ONS median house price to income ratios 1997 to 2023 Original data is available form ONS.The data is uploaded here in order to experiment with building an API to represent the goverment's...

Data released by MHCLG showing dwelling stock esitmates for each district nationally, from 2001 to 2023 (2023 data is marked provisional).This dataset is being created in order to generate a URL, as...

Our annual Workforce Diversity Profile has been published for 2024. The report highlights our workforce as of June 2024 and provides valuable insight into the diversity of our organisation.Our...

Latest Data Stories

LSOA Example Map - Fuel Poverty LILEE
Cambridgeshire LSOA (2021) Local Names | Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data
In this data story, we highlight some of key findings from Cambridgeshire’s 2020/21 housing completions data.  
The locations for the car parks can be visualised in the map below.